The Gals
Lily LaBelle
Raised in locations ranging from the North, to Slightly-Less-North, to Just-On-The-Edge-Of-The-North, Lily has dabbled in the arts since before she could walk. It all started when she discovered the delicious (to her, at least) taste of mixed paint water, and her artistic career took off from there. Graduating with a degree in Illustration from the Ringling College of Art and Design in Florida, she ran for the open road in 2012 and hasn't (quite) looked back since. She has spent the past several years training in the art of acrobalance, contortion, whip cracking, and globe walking.
Lily has performed with a variety of different stage shows at festivals all over the country (and globe!), including the Tribal Circus (OK), the People's Circus (VA), and Moondrop Circus (MO). After obtaining her BFA, Lily and her trusty partner-in-crime created Topsy Turvy, to further ensure their plans of world domination through sheer volume arm flailing glory.
When not on stage, Lily is often painting and creating one of a kind pieces for her store and website Lilystrations.
Amanda Renaud
Amanda made her grand stage debut with the 1965 Academy Award winning Rogers and Hammerstein classic, So Long, Farewell in her three year old ballet recital and has been looking for excuses to perform in front of audiences ever since. Dance, renaissance festivals, and theatre productions filled her childhood (once all of her homework was done, of course). After acquiring her master’s degree in education and producing 30 shows per week for a captive audience of public school teenagers, she realized that there had to be something out there that would get more cheers than theoretical geometry.
In pursuit of the elusive standing ovation, she has fire danced in the Bahamas, sword fought all over the state of Florida, mermaided in Michigan, and masqueraded as every bit Shakespeare role left vacant after casting. She sewed endless costumes and directed a couple original shows before Lily reached out the hand of partnership and Topsy Turvy was born. Now, Amanda’s lifetime of festival experience and arsenal of stupid human tricks have a dedicated purpose until she is too broken (or broke) to continue and will return once again to being responsible for the education and betterment of your impressionable youth.
If you do have impressionable youth who need educational betterment support
or if you just like playing brain games, check out MissAmandaTutors.